RB-540 Series

RB530 350x350

Quality, ergonomic, practical response pads from Cedrus.

  • Compatible with all major stimulus presentation packages
  • Customisable key tops
  • Built in timing facilities
  • Accessory connector

Guide Price: £475

SKU: N1224


The RB-x40 series are high quality, ergonomic, and practical response pads that are compatible with all major stimulus presentation packages. The RB Series models are smart devices and connect to the computer by USB. They measure the participant's reaction time in hardware and provide additional timing facilities for the stimulus presentation program.

The RB-540 provides five keys and is ideally suited for experiments involving spatial orientation. The keys are large and feature removable key tops (except for the center round key). The photo above shows an RB-540 pad with the coloured tops (included free) installed. The pad also comes with four clear key tops so you can insert any legend or color paper.

They are compatible with all versions of Windows, macOS and Linux.